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                                                                                           “The best counselor is time”

                                                                                                      Pittacus of Mytilene


The story does not start with a birth. Nor does it end with the end of life. When the spirit begins to awaken when reason finds a foothold in logic as well as the heart, then life finds its meaning. Because, what is life but a love story. First, for the material world, things, people. Then, for the intangible, spiritual, divine. All stories record that course. A journey from the earth to the stars ...

This is also my own journey. And  yours.  This course is being recorded by all writers in their works. Often, incomplete journeys that never reach the Supreme. The holy books of all religions are trying to capture this perfect course. Everyone else writes of our small, everyday journeys. Nevertheless, the goal is one and the same. To understand. To unite with the divine. To reach the light.

History is a good guide for the explorer inside us. It shows what happened,  because what happened once, usually happens again. It shows the reaction to the historical event and whether this reaction had the desired result or not. It shows what action caused which effect. With  history you learn what life is and how to recognize the forces that govern it. A historical novel is an easy way to learn history. Making literary allowances of course, in order to represent situations that may not be evidenced by historical data, but can be reasonably assumed.

This is what I try to do with the history of my country. To bring it close, to understand it and help you  understand it. I hope to succeed in this endeavor. I hope to shed some light on our roots and on the we became who we are. To find how to proceed from here. To discover the best possible path forward. Because, “The best counselor is time".




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