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Questions & Answers



Why should anyone write an historical novel?


Political and socio-economic uniqueness of any situation in historical times (which are recorded and analyzed extensively) does not exist. This is fortunate, because it is much easier to get ready-made answers from the past than to look for new ones. Of course, every response should be adapted to the situation at hand and take into account current parameters. Thus, for example, the economic crisis of 1930 and the subsequent rise of fascism may have political analogies with the present and the rise of far-right parties across Europe. We lived through those turbulent times. Maybe we should pay attention now.


The historical novel is the easiest way to get to get to know the events of the past. Along with the pleasure it offers, it can inform and present us with an example. Triple benefit.


Why the archaic period?


Because it is largely unknown, since excavations are but a few and often impossible on islands   like Lesbos,  which have been inhabited for the last 5000 years, at least. But it is a very important time for the Aeolian and Greek culture in general,   since that is when lyric poetry flourished with famous  representatives such as Sappho and Alcaeus. It is also an interesting political era, with the rise of tyrants and merchants against kings and aristocracy. I found in this era unexpected analogies with today, a time of great ideological, economic and socio-political crisis in my country.


Why this particular protagonist?


A woman then should had economic sufficiency in order to make her own life decisions. As an aristocrat, it  would have been easier for her to do so, by analogy with Sappho, since the aristocracy at that time was in decline, while it still maintained part of its past wealth and political power.


Why a woman alone?


It is very difficult to imagine a woman making her own life, before the sexual revolution. Women have always acquired the  prestige of the role they played (daughter, wife/lover, mother) so it was a great  challenge for me to prove that it was possible .


People must be able to exist beyond the roles that life gives them or claim for themselves. They should be able to look at themselves through the prism, not of society, but of their own spirit. Only then can they be driven to completion, to unity.


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