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        THE QUEEN OF THE    


                 Atalanta's trip
How a woman makes her way in life, independently and beyond social requirements? How does a woman like Sappho, at times of which we still know very little, started from Lesbos to become the greatest poet of ancient times? What were the conditions in the Archipelago (ancient name of the Aegean Sea), political, economic, social, that favored her journey? How do other women, who did not have her talent, took advantage of these circumstances to carve their own path in life?

Moreover, how does  the soul recognize Eros and unites with him? How  man finds his  way to the divine, love,  the eternal?

I wanted to give an example. A woman's life at  archaic times, of which we know very little, which were, however, very important for my hometown, Mytilene and the Greek world in general, since it was then that the first lights of  Greek culture started signing brightly  in the Archipelago.

In this first period of civilization, wealth and political turbulence of the Greek world (7th-6th century BC.) a young aristocrat from Mytilene will dream and live freely and passionately, travelling, trading and looking for  love in the Archipelago. A journey    of self-knowledge. Perhaps, like mine. Or, like yours.

                                    MY CONQUEROR

Phoebe's fight with the Roman conqueror in a trip toward self-knowledge. 

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